Cosmetic Surgery Techniques Use for Fillers0 Comments

Posted on 09 May 2013 at 7:05am

Sir Bruce Keogh is the medical director of NHS and he has adopted the strict procedure for the cosmetic procedures. In this procedure, the injections and fillers are used to make the skin young and smart. It is also known that from where they come and go.

Heavy eyelids: with the aging, on the upper side of the eyelids, there is floppy fold of skin, which is called blepharoplasty is appeared and it can be treated with its removal from there. The area between brows and lashes are also plumped with dermal fillers and it is also treated. In this way, the face of the woman looks younger and attractive.

Cosmetic Surgery used  for filler

Cosmetic Surgery used for filler

Nasolabial folds: When your age is increasing, you will look the lines between the brink of each nostril and mouth is appearing. These lines do not appear before reaching to the age of 50 but with passage of time these can be prominent. If you take the injections then you will see that will not appear for a long time and you will be looking younger and smart.

Sweaty armpits: The people, who have the complaint of sweat in their armpits are due to the presence of hyperactive sweat glands. These glands are found there and if they are removed from there then this complaint can be dealt with. There are two ways to remove these glands and the first one is use of Botox or Botulin & through them, these glands can be paralyzed. During the paralyze of these glands, they are dried out which is traditional and most effective method to deal them.  To remove these glands, we can also use the palms.

Cosmetic Surgery used for body filler

Cosmetic Surgery used for body filler

Old Hands: The shape of the hands is also changed with the passage of time. When you will watch at the hands of Madonna, there is less skin and huge space in the veins of the hands. With the growing of age, there are various changed occurred in the body and hands are also effected. The thin skin happened due to transfer of fat from the adjacent area. In this area, the platelet –rich plasma injections are injected to the patients. These two items, fat and PRP are the regenerative medical things from last 50 years.

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery before & after

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery before & after

Saggy bottom: with the growing of age, the buttock area of the body grew massive and it is augmented with fat. If you use filler then you can reshaped your buttocks. The buttock gets tissue from the body and makes heavy the buttock area. There are some other methods of silicon implants to get the desired smart shape of your buttock area and the patient cannot sit on it.

Heidi Montag used Cosmetic Surgery for body filler

Heidi Montag used Cosmetic Surgery for body filler

Drooping labia and perineum: There is another area of the body, which is perineum and it is in between the anus and genitals. With the growing of age, these parts get dull shape. If you use fillers then you can solve the problem of its dull shape and make it rejuvenated. To give it fresh look, various injections are used to open it up.

Shapeless calves: with the growing of age, many changes are happened. In some persons, heavy legs are felt and they can deal this problem with their wise use of liposuction. if the legs are thin then they may need the implant of their legs and make them required shape. In this process, fillers are not recommended.

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