Gemma Arterton’s
Gemma Arterton attended the premium of her movie Byzantium which was being presented at Toronto Film Festivals. During the premier of her movie she wore dress of old school Hollywood Antonio Berardi gown. The actress had set her hair in pretty shape for which the hair stylist Alex Polillo said that he used saltwater to set her hair. Then he split her hair into four equal parts and then he braided each section loosely and secured the braids at the lower end of the hair.
Then he used hairdryer to dry her braid and provided heat to her hair to set the waves of the hair. When the hair cooled down then he unbraided the hair and spread it. She was looking stunning and graceful in her new and decent style of hair.

Gemmas Hair
The actress appeared with her classic make up and her eyes are beautiful and appealing. She was looking perfect and complement.