Now it’s time to get outside as the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. At lunch ask for a sidewalk table, instead of riding the subway walk those 10 blocks and instead of hitting the gym, take your workout outside. When your indoor workouts have gotten stale, heading outdoors will provide that extra ounce of motivation, and we’ve got a routine with all the benefits of a full gym and also perfect for the park.
Your needs:
1 stop watch/watch
1 park
1 set of 3-5lb dumbbells
If you only have 20 minutes a day, try this workout!
1. For 5-10 minutes, warm up with a walk/jog. Depending on your fitness level and the weight of your dumbbells, either alternate pump your arms with holding the weights at your side while you walk to give your arms a short break, or pump your arms as you jog.
2. Walking lunges for 20-30 minutes.
Check your form: begin standing and as you bend both knees to lower your body straight down, take a big step forward with your right foot. Without leaning forward, when you lunge you should be creating two 90 degree angles with your knees. Before pushing up through the front heel and back toe hold your core and to walk forward, step your left foot forward and repeat.
3. For 2 minutes, jog/walk.
4. On a bench or on the ground, do 15-20 pushups.
5. Jog/walk for two minutes.
6. With a shoulder press, do 15-20 squats.
Check your form: Like you’re about to sit on a low chair, squat down sitting back for the squat portion. In front of your toes, your knees should not pass. On the way up, squeeze your glutes. Begin with weights at the shoulder level for the shoulder press. As you raise up from the squat, press the weights up and together overhead. Bring the weights back to nose level as you lower into your squat.
7. For 2 minutes, walk/jog.
8. With alternating arms, 40-50 bicep curls standing in place.
Check form: at your sides, keep your elbows. With arms fully extended, start your sides, raise the weights towards your shoulders and squeeze biceps. Repeat after lower to starting position.
9. For 2 minutes, walk/jog.
10. Tricep dips 15-20
Check form: just outside the width of your body, place your hands on the bench, by bending your elbows bend yourself and then through your biceps, press up squeezing. The legs can be bent at 90 degrees, in either position with one leg lifted off the ground, or sent straight out in front of you, depending on your strength level.
11. For 2 minutes, walk/jog
12. 15-20 crunches or sit ups
Check form: to protect your neck, interlace your fingers underneath the base of your head, to the side keeping your elbows wide out. Either a crunch or a full sit up, focus on contracting the abdominal muscles as you rise.
For any fitness level, this workout is great. If you’re ready to take on a greater challenge or you’re advanced then add a minute of sprinting to the cardio interval, increase the weight of your dumbbells or add more repetitions.