Get fit with a chair: 5 Exercises you can do with a chair0 Comments

Posted on 13 Mar 2014 at 6:41am

 5 Exercises you can do with a chair

5 Exercises you can do with a chair

Some of us have experienced it, while we all want the ‘workout success’. Though, it’s not all about willpower. But to increase the likelihood of success, there are certain things you can do. And making exercise as convenient as possible is one of them. We also love giving you exercise that without stepping foot outside of your humble abode, you can do. Especially, in a crazy winter weather, if you live.
All you need this week is a chair (a coffee or an ottoman table also possible). Just ensure that it’s very sturdy, whatever you use.


5 Chair Exercises

Step Ups. You’re going to step up and down leading one foot at a time as this is self-explanatory. One minute left foot up, right foot up, left foot down, right foot down. For the second minute, switch then.

Chair Jump (or Box Jump) with pulsing squats. Jump up onto the chair completely while standing 6” or less away from the chair, facing it. Now squat down and at the bottom of the squat, pulse for 10 minutes. Then, off the chair at a time, step down one foot. For 12-15 times, repeat this. Do the jump squat on the ground and pulse when you land, if the chair jump makes you nervous.


Dips. Sit on the chair, bring your butt forward off the chair and place your hands just outside of your body. At the elbows, lower down bending and through your triceps, press straight backup. Repeat this for 12-15 times.

Push Ups. Place your hands shoulder width apart on the chair while facing the chair. From your armpits to your toes, keep your feet together in a straight line. Your core should be tight. Until your nose can touch the chair, bend at your elbows and lower and then press up. Repeat also this 12-15 times.

Split Squat. With a little assistance from the chair, this is going to stimulate a single leg squat. Put the toes of one foot up on the chair and stand with your back to the chair. By making sure to keep the knee behind your toe, then squat with the leg that’s on the ground. Switch legs and repeat 12-15 times.

Perform these 5 exercises as a circuit for a total body workout and repeat the whole circuit 4 times, back to back.

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