Most of the women known that apply of sunscreen on their faces is necessary like brushing their teeth. But most of the women are still struggling to make it part of their daily routine. There are about 3.3 million American, who are diagnosed with skin cancer every year and it not enough to convince them to think about it. If they do not protect their skin, then the UVA rays of the skin shine down on year round on us and they can cause skin to age faster than any lotion, cream or gel can repair.
It is important to apply the sunscreen on the faces to get protection and it is also important to reapply it throughout the day, when the temperature is increased. There is obvious reason and it is an issue of concern for women to wear makeup and it is an easy solution to do makeup with sunscreen applied on the skin. We do not say makeup with the sun screen should be first line of defense and you should still apply the moisturizing sunscreen base and it is easy and effective way to keep the skin protected throughout the day. here is the look at some of the standout SPF makeup products to offer all the beauty to want with the benefits of the sun protection.