Eyelash Care Tips and Get Beautiful Eyelash – Caring for Your Eyelashes0 Comments

Posted on 14 Sep 2012 at 6:07am

Here are some eyelashes care tips which has been brought by the stylish fashion. These eyelashes care tips for you to take care of your eyes and eyelashes properly.

Beautiful eyelashes

Beautiful eyelashes

Eyes are very sensitive organ in human body. They are looking good and fixed in the sockets and sent all messages what we see in our real world. To save this precious blessing of God, eyelashes do their duties.

Fancy Eyelashes

Fancy Eyelashes

These make the shape of eyes excellent and women like to make it beautiful by applying various types of materials. If eyes lashes are good looking then they will make the appearance of your eyes more beautiful and elegant.

beautiful eyelashes tutoriol

beautiful eyelashes tutoriol

Use fresh and cold water to wash your face and in this way you can wash your eye lashes. Fresh water makes your face, eyes and eyelashes fresh and tender and gives your eyes coolness in hot weather. Some women like to give strength and length to their eye lashes, it is suggested that they should use castor oil for this purpose. Use castor oil with finger tips so that they may not break and they will also grow and get strength.

eyelash take care

eyelash take care

Carrots are good for eye sight and for the eyelashes. The use of carrots and cabbage gives health and strength to your eyelashes. The vegetables give your eyes freshness and charm to the eyes and eyelashes.

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