Get Perfect Glossy Red Lips by Angelina Jolie as Maleficent0 Comments

Posted on 05 Jun 2014 at 7:26am

In a classic Disney film this spring, one of the world’s most beautiful actresses will be shown onscreen. And while we’re thinking about the drama, special effects and n imagination of our favorite fairytale, we are much more excited to see the beautiful looks that will be on the screen. We’re definitely talking about the movie “maleficent” and the actress ‘Angelina Jolie’, who is playing the character of the most iconic villain of Disney classic ‘Sleeping Beauty’.

Get Perfect Glossy Red Lips by Angelina Jolie as Maleficent

Get Perfect Glossy Red Lips by Angelina Jolie as Maleficent

After looking for the first time, you’ll wonder how she transformed her to a dangerous villainess who gets power through magic and her glossy and gorgeous red lips. It’s for sure that very few of us will try to leave our dull red lipstick and carry out such a shiny and sparkling red effect and that’s the reason we’re giving you some best tips to achieve this shine. This is a lengthy process and will take some tome but you have to wait for anything special. It’s worth to have patience in things like this.
What You Need: Following are the tools that you need to get in advance: A lip brush, a flat angled brush, foundation, concealer, clean soft bristled toothbrush, lip balm, powder brush, translucent powder and tissues. The other things needed are right-colored lipstick and tip liner while clear lip gloss is an optional addition.

Getting the Color Right: For every lip, not every red color is suitable. If you have olive skin (veins of green or yellow cast underside wrist), use warm-toned reds. If you veins look purple or blue, look for cool-toned reds. Instead of a matte, focus on a satin finish. Satin finish provides that shine. Close to the color of lipstick, bring a complementary lip liner. Now you can start the application.

The Steps:

  1. Exfoliate Your Pout — gently rub a toothbrush over your lips if they’re uneven or chapped. Dead skin will be removed or exfoliate with this process.


  1. Moisturize — Moisturize your lips with a lip balm. It will absorb in 10-15 minutes and then do the work.


  1. Apply the Base — First apply concealer and then foundation to your lips for those colors that remains throughout the night. This creates a layer for liner and lipstick to stick fast. It will stick like Velcro.


  1. Outline Your Lips — now apply the flat angled brush to the top and bottom outside edge of your lip line after dipping the edge of brush in concealer and later blend it well. This will make your lips look bigger and more defined by highlighting them.


  1. Apply Your Lipstick — make filling in your lips with the color after you apply your lip brush to your lipstick. It’s the best way to make sure perfect application though it will take more time than applying the lipstick directly.


  1. Blend, Remove Excess and Powder — now you’ve completed the look with glossy and gorgeous lips. In order to blend color and give it uniformity, press your lower and upper lips together. Make sure to get into the corners completely by wide opening your mouth. To gather excess color, repeat pressing lips together by tissues in between them. Then gently press another tissue over your lips. Later with the help of powder brush, apply translucent powder. The powder will stay longer on your lips if you apply tissue as its tiny pores will allow perfect amount of powder to transfer to your lips.


  1. Gloss if You Wish — if you want then it’s the end. But if you’re close to go outside, it’s better to carry a lip gloss with you. This will make you without reapply color to reapply tiny texture in a moment. You can expect the color to make the whole night with you because instead of red lip gloss, you used lipstick and everything to give it staying power.


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