If you want to repair the damage caused by your sleek hair then it’s better to change the turn of shampoo and conditioner on your hair. In normal conditions, many of us wonder the effect that could be produced after changing the order to conditioner and shampoo and now it has been proved that you can hydrate your hair well through this procedure without making your hair weak. Hair and scalp expert Philip B tells that conditioner nourishes the hair but it is also a burden on hair. Shampooing after conditioner will free the hair from any dirt or extra thing that will result in clean and bouncy hair. ‘Reverse Washing’ is the name given to this technique as it changes the shower process. You can easily use this formula with your conditioner everyday to change your fine hair but the strong conditioners should be used once in a week. By using this cleaning after, you can get rid of any dirt or remaining of any formula. There are few famous brands in the market that have already started their reverse washing system while you can adopt this technique with any of the product you have but the only thing to consider is to use single moisturizing technique. The best result of ‘reverse washing’ is that your hairstyle will remain for longer after washing away any additional product (oils and conditioner).