This Christmas December 25 (Tuesday ) Hollywood Released 4 New Movies.
1. Les Miserables (2012)
Theatrical Release Date: 12/25/2012
Run Time: 157min.
Hugh Jackman , Russell Crowe , Anne Hathaway , Helena Bonham Carter , Sacha Baron Cohen
Director(s): Tom Hooper
Distributor(s): Universal
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for suggestive and sexual material, violence and thematic elements.
Genre(s): Musicals
2. Django Unchained
Theatrical Release Date: 12/25/2012
Run Time: 165min.
Jamie Foxx , Leonardo DiCaprio , Christoph Waltz , Samuel L. Jackson , Gerald McRaney
Director(s): Quentin Tarantino
Distributor(s): The Weinstein Co.
MPAA Rating: Not Yet Rated
Genre(s): Westerns
3. Parental Guidance (2012)
Theatrical Release Date: 12/25/2012
Run Time: 104min.
Starring: Billy Crystal , Bette Midler , Marisa Tomei , Tom Everett Scott , Bailee Madison
Director(s): Andy Fickman
Distributor(s): 20th Century Fox
MPAA Rating: PG for some rude humor.
Genre(s): Comedy
4. West of Memphis
Theatrical Release Date: 12/25/2012
Run Time: 150min
Starring: Damien Echols , Jason Baldwin , Jessie Misskelley Jr. , Lorri Davis , Peter Jackson
Distributor(s): Sony Pictures Classics
MPAA Rating: R for disturbing violent content and some language.
Genre(s): Documentary,Epic and Historical,Special Interest