James Franco To Teach Film Adaptation Class at NYU0 Comments

Posted on 05 Apr 2011 at 10:26am

Now that James Franco learned that teaching a class via Skype about how to make a documentary about James Franco is lame, he’s agreed to up his art-fart game and teach a graduate school class at NYU’s Tisch School on adapting poetry into short films. John Tintori (President of the graduate film program) told Movieline how proud the school is the French agreed to teach a class that encourages students to  poetry, even less profitable than it already and said: “They are here to teach Because he knows really. directing something that can be shared with our students  is incredibly prolific, and coming from a real work ethic – and that’s another thing to convey to our students. “Hopefully this class will be called the James Deficiencies  Franco.

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