Reasons for Feeling Underappreciated in Relationship0 Comments

Posted on 23 Jan 2013 at 7:02am

There are different causes which can create problems for your relationship. These problems are occurred not due to sex but there may be some other reasons as well.

Couples sleeping

Couples sleeping

Most of the people face the problems of sleeping which can create a distance between the partners. Due to sleeping problems, most of the people give priority to their own requirements and they do not wake or wake for a long time and take care of their partner, so they are considered rude and unpleasing and they do not see off their partners while going to sleep and consider it a usual task.

Sex and relationships advice

Sex and relationships advice

Couples Sleep

Couples Sleep

A study has been done on about 60 couples and asked them to maintain a diary for their sleeping patterns. The people who hardly slept at night, they showed quite little appreciation from their partners as people sleeping poorly can not satisfy by sleeping well.

If you feel problems in sleeping then you will have to face some problems during day time and your behaviour will also be irritated. There will be pressure on your mind by not taking good and enough sleep at night. So your relationship with your spouse will also affect badly and create problems in executing your daily routine work. If you do not have sleep well then you will have to face some problems with other family members and in the same way they also behave with you if they face lack of sleep.

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