Actress Eva Mendes celebrates her 40th birthday few days ago. Always, Eva has managed to make her fitness and health a priority, whether she’s working on a number of charitable causes, busy filming or spending time with her beau. We’re celebrating Eva for her refusal to succumb to the Hollywood pressure to lose weight, her honest attitude and consistent routine.
She loves to run: Eva says in a week, she runs four to five times and mixes it up constantly among running uphill on a treadmill, distance running and intervals on a track. Her true cardio of choice is to run in the LA sunshine alongside her dog Hugo, bit she’s also happy to head out solo.
She’s honest about her attitude: Eva doesn’t pretend it’s always easy to make to the gym, while she says that exercise is a big stress reliever. She says that she’s like other women in the world and don’t says that she’s in the gym for two hours. It’s something that she does it as she finds it very beneficial. About the fact that putting time in at the gym affords her the ability to indulge at other times, Eva’s also been honest.
She maintains a healthy diet: Eva recognizes that what she uses to fuel her body has big implications on her emotional and physical state, while Eva does enjoy the occasional indulgence. To keep her diet balanced, Eva steers clear of most meats, but does eat a lot of whole grains like brown rice and omega-3 rich fish.
She supports her shape: Harley Pasternak, Eva’s longtime trainer says that the actress has no interest in losing her shape and feminine, natural curves, while she’s dedicated to her fitness routine. The two strength trained together to accentuate her womanly curves, in addition to her regular running routine. Harley says that Eva’s biggest challenge is upper-body strength, but she kills when it comes to hamstring exercises and ab work.