Aries to Capricorn Compatibility0 Comments

Posted on 03 Jul 2012 at 11:04am

Both Aries and Capricorn are very active and agile so they plan to achieve their purposes which they set for them. They are naturally independent, creative minded and autonomous which are the basic qualities of Aries. But Capricorns are in the habit of pursuing the track which is well planned and they remain constant and continuously follow the track. Arian will spend money like a spendthrift child while enjoying his life but Capricorn is much concerned with his future life. Both need patience and humility to make their lives successful and also coming out with flying colors in their businesses.

Compatibility of Aries Man and Capricorn Woman

Both of them have strong personality traits and they have charm in their personalities for each other. The Aries man is sensitive and very caring personality so they create problem for their partner. The Capricorn woman is very ambitious and she consoles her Arians partner. To bring peace and harmony in their lives, Capricorn woman always remind the quote to herself that a good wife is one who feel sorry when she is not wrong. Their compatibility can affected if both parties let the relationship go on its way.

Compatibility of Aries Woman and Capricorn Man

The couple of an Aries woman and Capricorn man is a typical relationship as relationship among them varies a lot from each other. An Aries woman is very expressive and clear naturally but the Capricorn man is indifferent and true to his words. Both of them have different personality traits but there are some possibilities that both of them have perfect match. Ganesha also suggests that patience and humility shown by either side will bring comfort and humiliation in their lives.

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