A Capricorn person having the habits of judicial and industrious and have very sensitive and responsible approach towards life. An Aquarius person loves nature and he likes for creative things. Aquarians are very responsive and easily involved in the present situation.
If both of them love and complement each other, then Aquarius & Capricorn compatibility will be at high. If they fight with each other over trifles then there will be no chances of strong relationship between them. Both will have to sail on smoothly and will try to make their level best and must ignore the negative points of each other and then their relationship will improve.
Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Capricorn Woman
There is very interesting thing that their compatibility will be high on their friendship but on the love relationship their compatibility is not so much strong. An Aquarius person is very social and loves parties very much. He is very crazy for going on long drives. But on the other side, the Capricorn woman has been disturbed because of her impatient nature and ethic to cling to something. Their compatibility is good on the relationship chart if they are ready to give space to each other and forget the negative sides in their relationship. This couple will give comfort each other due to their love in the life.
Compatibility of Aquarius Woman and Capricorn Man
A Capricorn is very loving and caring and give importance to his female partner. He has the qualities of studious person, impartial and very straight and upright person. But an Aquarius woman is on the one side during critical situations. But she has great ability of self confidence with which she can fight with the worst conditions of life which is much appreciated by her Capricorn partner and he is drawn to her. When they avoid minor clashes and quarrels then their relationship will get so much strength. Their compatibility is good enough to make strong their relationship.