New York, in the colorful ceremony of Meet Gala in New York Fashion, the dress of Indian actress, Priyanka Chopra got particular attention on the social media. She wore the long trench coat just like detectives. There are different jokes, which are associated with her funny dress. The rain coat is prepared according to the theme of the ceremony and there are total 16,000 tweets, which are shared about Priyanka. People said that it was the fashion show but it is cleanliness campaign of the Indian PM, Moody because Priyanka wears such dress, which is doing cleanliness on the road and this coat is good source of…
Due to modern technology, now it’s easier for us to view different aspects of a show or awards that were not possible before as you can simultaneously see the 2016 Emmy Awards red carpets on TV, smartphones, iPad and a laptop. Now you can even see things that are not required like crab walk of celebrities on red carpet and their repeat of postures for photographers.
But there was also a very good and mixed place to view the fashion on correct angle. The heavy makeup and bronzing was not looking fabulous but the thing really appreciable was the major…
An American television series Once again The Priyanka Chopra will be in lead role of Quantico. This time Hot and Sexy, PC will tease Hollywood with her acting skills. From the last season of Quantico PC is appearing more frequently on International stages from Oscar ceremony to now second season of Quantico.
The second season of the thriller series will premiere on March 6 by ABC channel of American Television. This time priyanka Chopra is looking even Hotter….
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