Posts Tagged ‘Sean Penn’

13 Hottest Celebrity Couples 2014

Posted on 10 Dec 2014 at 10:36am
13. Future and Ciara

R&B singer Ciarra and rapper Future are now engaged while they initially met in Epic Records, the recording studio of their shared records. A 2013 study by the University of Chicago found that after online dating, most number of married couples are those who met on the job. It is more than the percentage of marriages by meetings through friends, at schools and at a bar.

Both husband and wife get benefit by working together. Women achieve more earning than the separate women while men get higher status than other men.

12. Jason Statham and…

Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn Go Public

Posted on 05 Apr 2011 at 10:17am

Reese Witherspoon got married on Saturday, but the poor dear’s Will the Circle Be Broken was outshined by the first public appearance of Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn as a couple. It turns out that Scarlett is a client of Reese’s now-husband, and Rob Shuter reported that everyone was shocked to see she brought Sean Penn as her plus one. Apparently, their outing was a huge deal, as a source told Rob that their arrival together “is announcing to the whole of Hollywood that they are serious.” Previously, Scarlett and Sean were seen celebrating…

The Daily Shuffle: Wyclef Jean Shot in Haiti

Posted on 04 Apr 2011 at 11:04am
Wyclef Jean was shot in the hand in Haiti this weekend, just outside Port-Au-Prince. He went to a local hospital for treatment and was released. On Saturday, his representative said, “He’s fine now. It happened late yesterday night and he was released after a couple of hours.” - TMZ However, there are conflicting reports that say Wycliffe just cut his hand on glass.


Britney Spears has hired a tutor to teach her how to manage her money. Which do you think will get its own lesson: Starbucks, fishnets, or weaves?


Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn “much like a couple when he joined a small…

Donald Trump Says Charlie Sheen Is A Winner

Posted on 29 Mar 2011 at 10:58am

In between comparing himself to fighter jets, Charlie Sheen has talked a lot about having all these “friends.” He claims that Mel Gibson called to offer him support in dealing with the morons who don’t really mind Jews too much, otherwise known as us. Sheen has also said that Colin Farrell and Sean Penn have sent him their good wishes as well, and now that we know Charlie Sheen has a room completely dedicated to housing his cigars, it’s pretty obvious that that’s where those last two events took place.

But this morning, we learned that Donald Trump is another person in Sheen’s corner, and it’s because…


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