Huge Burger Challenging to Finish0 Comments

Posted on 21 Feb 2013 at 8:07am

A large and tremendous burger prepared with meat claimed to be the biggest ever burger which is about one foot tall and filled with about four thousand calories.

Scotland's Biggest Burger

Scotland's Biggest Burger

A heavy and monster meaty burger prepared with four Aberdeen Angus steak patties, four buns, whole pack of bacon, melted cheese and added with stack of onion rings and tomato.

This burger is placed at Brucklay Arms in New Deer, Aberdeenshire and it cost of £15.95. There is a challenge to eat this burger within 40 minutes with fries, salad and coleslaw. The big challenge with the burger by the owner to eat it.

The waitress have been given orders to frisk punters and ensure that they will eat the whole and they will not hide anything from it.

If the challenge accepting people try to cheat in any way then they will have to be paid douoble


Challenge being given by the Brucklay Arms

This challenge has been made by the former oil rig chef Jack and his wife Donna who wanted to place a challenge before the customers be inspiring the American hit TV show Man v Food.

As a result of the challenge, the Brucklay Burger has been prepared which weighs more than 3 lb, placing on the local slate and it is held with various skewers to be placed in upward direction.

The owner, Jack also said that it was huge task to make it as it took lot of time to stand up. In the dining room, the restaurant staff is ready with different material to make it as waitresses are waiting there with egg timer to make it in tabs and place over the others. They also announce that the person who clear this slate will be given with a certificate and he can hang the picture on the wall. There were four people who tried their luck but they did not get success till now.

Donna said that the person who has massive appetite, will finish this burger as other will not do so.

Challenge ... the Brucklay Arms

Challenge ... the Brucklay Arms

Sun man’s meaty mission

The person, who participated to attain this challenge, said that he starved for many hours before he started eating Brucklay Burger.

When he saw the huge burger with massive nutrients, he came to know that he could not finish it on 40 minutes. But he started eating and tore it into pieces, first he touched the first piece and ate first two pieces. The burger was tasty so he ate two levels quite easily but when he touched to the third level, it was difficult for him to eat. When he completed his third portion then the alarm started sound and in this way, his challenge remained unfinished.  There is none, who met with the challenge still.

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