Skin Care

Hormonal Acne and How It is Treated

Hormonal Acne and How It is Treated

Posted on 20 Jun 2019 at 5:19am

The teenage girls can face the issue of acne and it is difficult for them to clear. Such type of acne can be considered as the hormonal acne. Hormonal Acne and How It is Treated. These acnes do not respond to the treatment like pimple patches and salicylic acid. You can know more about difference from regular acnes and how it is treated.

Causes of Hormonal Acne Signs to point fact or hormonal acne Treatment of hormonal acne

Causes of Hormonal Acne

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Tips To Select Perfect Compact Powder

Tips To Select Perfect Compact Powder

Posted on 11 Oct 2018 at 6:36am

It is natural that the women want to become beautiful and they want to look charming with the use of right kind of compact powder. You can check the tips to choose the best quality of compact powder. It is important for the women to get the flawless and radiant looking skin with the right type of compact powder. It is included with basic beauty essentials every woman uses. It helps to remove the dark spots and blemishes from their skin.

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Bridal Beauty Treatments before Wedding Day

Bridal Beauty Treatments before Wedding Day

Posted on 17 Nov 2017 at 9:59am

As a bride, it’s difficult to decide that which bridal treatment should be taken and what facials to start doing.

I’m here to tell you and guide you on what to avoid on your wedding day to be safe from skin damage.

Salon Facials

The salon facials are definite no to the bridal skin. I know it seems quite different as everyone else is getting facials before their wedding.  But the reason is that most of the salon…

5 Beauty Treatments Best for Skin

5 Beauty Treatments Best for Skin

Posted on 06 Nov 2017 at 6:24am

The women and girls want to look beautiful and they want to have shiny and wonderful skin. They look for different remedies or look for the perfect salon. But they need to take great care and avoid excessive use of everything. They need to do facials, pedicures, hair treatment and some other beauty treatments to do every other day.

1.      Hair Shine

Every girl wants to have silky, smooth and shiny lustrous locks and they want to get their hair done in wonderful style. They also get the keratin treatment for their hair and if…

6 Easy Face Masks for Fair Skin

6 Easy Face Masks for Fair Skin

Posted on 10 Aug 2017 at 7:59am

Beautiful and fair skin is a dream of every girl and they apply different fairness products from market for this purpose. But these products not only fail to offer the desired results but several products also contain harmful chemicals that can ruin your skin.

Here below, we are presenting few natural hair masks that can easy to make and makes your skin beautiful and lovely.

Tomato Juice and Oatmeal

This face mask helps you lighten your complexion…

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5 Ways for having Spa Day at Home

5 Ways for having Spa Day at Home

Posted on 01 Aug 2017 at 10:41am

Spa day is our favorite one but a tight budget doesn’t allow a full body massage. But you can enjoy a spa experience easily at home by using following techniques.


You can make a stream room by hanging a small branch from shower head and run the hot water.

Beautiful Neck with 6 Homemade Packs

Beautiful Neck with 6 Homemade Packs

Posted on 26 Jul 2017 at 12:00pm

Every woman wants to look beautiful and she gives most attention to her face for this purpose but usually ignore other important body parts including neck. But sometimes it’s quite embarrassing as your neck color shows darker than your face color. Therefore, utmost importance should be given to neck care. Following are few homemade techniques for a beautiful neck.

Regular Scrubbing

Rubbing your skin helps the skin to remove dead skin cells and restore new…

Use Petroleum Jelly to Protect Skin in 5 Ways

Use Petroleum Jelly to Protect Skin in 5 Ways

Posted on 18 Jul 2017 at 5:51am



It is very easy to use this tip to apply the petroleum jelly on your skin. You need to know that your skin is clean and disinfected.

Petroleum jelly is common cosmetic product, which is used in most of the houses and it is used as the rescuer. There is the most common use of it and it can moisturize the skin and you can use it on many other ways to protect…

Best Dark Spot Correctors 2017

Best Dark Spot Correctors 2017

Posted on 02 Jun 2017 at 5:50am

All of us have uneven skin tone while several among us are not happy with it. Skin changes can’t be escaped whether they are due to prolong sun exposure or due to factors like age spots, melasma and genetic freckles. Before trying to even your skin tone, it is more important to know about the change in skin tone.

Melanin produces hyper pigmentation which is the cause of this problem. The amount of melanin increases in order to protect damaged cells when skin cells realize that they are in danger. People with darker skin have more chances of getting dark spots because they have more melanin in their skins. Inflamed…

Best Blackhead Masks for Deep Clean

Best Blackhead Masks for Deep Clean

Posted on 03 Apr 2017 at 6:04am

Blackheads are less noticeable and painful as compared to whiteheads or cysts but they are still annoying enough to be removed immediately.

You can clean your pores by using toners, cleaners and other special treatments but you can also get rid of this skin problem of blackheads by using masks. But it is not very simple to use blackhead mask. After applying it to your face, wait for some time and then wash it that will result in your clear skin.

You can have a blackhead mask whether you like a sheet mask, a classic clay mask or some other amazing mask. You will get a clear and beautiful…

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