Khloe Kardashian Has Taken My Transition The Hardest, Bruce Jenner0 Comments

Posted on 27 Apr 2015 at 11:55am

Along with ten kids to mention regarding his decision to transition to female, he had to have man critical conversations, and his disclosure regarding the daughter who took the news serious is very surprising.

The 65 years old Bruce Jenner, actually did tell all throughout his 20/20 interview along with Diane Sawyer on 24th of April, and of course spend a good chunk of the two hours special talking regarding how his family has responded to high gender transition surprise. However can you believe it was really carefree, down to earth Khloe who had suffered the most concern with the news.

He had 10 kids, including 6 biological and 4 who he assisted to grow following marrying with Kris Jenner, who he had to mention regarding this big life change. And as well along with his teenage daughters, Kendall and Kylie, in the mix, it was apparently most accepting, Khloe, who took the new very serious.

Yet, in spite of having problem agreeing the news, currently, Khloe is completely supporting him which he has shared his story. Indeed, once the Olympian unveiled his individuality as a female, he took to Twitter to simply write, “LIFE”.

If Khoe has got trouble with the situation was a surprise, this would be an mass shocking news, Kim and Kanye West were the first from the family to show their huge support.

He mentioned “it is difficult for them, I know realized that I would not rush that issue.” “Kim has been accepting the most. She mentioned ‘girl you have to rock it, you are representing the family and you have to appear very good.”

He admitted that while he first mention to the new to Kim, she remained tight lipped regarding the new, however following a discussing with Kanye, she accept it.

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