Instagram was once a novel place and the users were log in and they uploaded all the beautiful and original pictures, which were popped up on the feed. Then it crossed the social threshold and everyone was jumped on the board. The users started posting on this social media site and they started to take the amateur photography seriously and they started sharing the photos on facebook. They used filters and it was an art to the next level.
When the users discovered the self expression through the artistic medium, a strange thing was happened. When they began to hone their instagram craft, they liked various beautiful pictures and they tried to look contemplatively out of window at the next hotel check-in and the imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Now they are forming the squad pyramids and it will take the aerial shots of the spray tanned legs. It is the time to mix the things up and do the experiment with new and creative ideas. If you itch to set it on the instagram, then it will scroll through for most cliché poses to think twice about it.