But not just a scuffle over how his boat shoes got stained with beer because his red plastic cup had a leak in it or because the tumbleweeds were blowing around so quickly that they’re knocking all the gophers unconscious. It was a REAL SCUFFLE! What happened was when Gyllenhaal was in the men’s room, another guy went up to him and took a picture of him standing over a urinal. Cinematical’s Erik Davis tweeted Gyllenhaal’s response to the infringement, which said “Gyllenhaal apparently grabbed the dude mid-photo, threw him against the wall and was like, ‘are we really gonna do this right now?’” EW spoke with Gyllenhaal shortly after the incident and got him to confirm what had happened: “That’s true. I think it’s an appropriate space to keep privacy. I hope that people wouldn’t disagree with me on that.”
No, I think no one objects. But what we do with Gyllenhaal is thinking this is the best story to recite when someone asks him if he is one of the skills he learned as he movie … retained do not agree because he was not clear because he did star in Brothers, and he did not continue and get this guy back by sleeping with his wife and father to his children.