Stay Injury Free & Active this Winter0 Comments

Posted on 19 Nov 2013 at 6:07am

Injuries are a fact of life, from sprained ankles to pulled muscles. No matter how disciplined we’ve been and with getting up early or how good our intentions might be, it happened to all of us and with one very painful, false step, that virtuous workout regimen can be ruined. To help keep your body in tip-top shape, we’ve got some tips.

Don’t Stretch Beforehand
We’ve been told that a quick stretch before running keeps us from pulling hamstrings or tearing tendons, even since our elementary-school P.E. days. But in fact, that quad stretch we all do before hitting the pavement or treadmill may actually hinder performance and does nothing to prevent injury. Injury rates were identical among runners who stretched before a workout versus those who didn’t, in a controlled study. Even worse, stretching before physical activity can cause your muscles to tighten up in anticipation; by actually tricking them into thinking they’ll be over-exerted.

The Warm-Up
Instead, doing a light warm-up from a short jog to lunges, that mimics the movement of your workout – increasing range of motion and blood flow, and heats up the body, which helps guard against injury and over extension. Multiple studies show that rather than static pre-workout stretches, a more active warm-up has a much greater impact on your flexibility and activates more muscle groups. During the colder months, when icy temperatures cause our muscles to be more tight and tense than usual, this is especially crucial.

Finish With A Stretch
After exercise your body is at an ideal state for increasing flexibility and range of motion, when your body temperature is elevated and your muscles and joints are loose. Few easy stretches post-workout, like a slow back twist, a forward bent or a heel drop, can help prevent injury and stiffness in the future.

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Tips For Exercising In Winter

Stay Injury Free & Active this Winter

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