How to reduce weight in few days0 Comments

Posted on 11 Dec 2015 at 11:08am

By increasing your amount of exercise and reducing the number f calories you eat is the right way to lose weight.

But it is not enough as you will regain your weight by using only this process. Instead you have to change your whole lifestyle and include healthy habits into your life as these things are necessary not only to lose weight but also to maintain the level of fitness required for consistent weight loss which will prevent you from becoming overweight again.

In this article, you will find few good tips that will help you to lose weight and maintain the low weight by obtaining a good lifestyle which will successfully help you to lose weight. Know about these 8 tips to get your body in a good shape.

Watch Your Slices

Watch Your Slices

Watch Your Slices


The main point to get your weight down is to keep an eye on your slices. Better to start with small portion of meal and then eat a bit more if you are still feeling hunger. It should be remembered that your stomach will complain early but it will shrink later with the passage of time when you will get the habit of less eating.

In outside, you must watch the amount of food you eat as it is an accepted view that people who eat outside mostly consume two to three times more meal than they are required. It’s better to get a salad and taster in the beginning before taking salad and an entrée.

Eat Slowly

Eat Slowly

Eat Slowly


Your body releases signals of ending of hunger sometime later the end of the requirement. Therefore, you can eat less if you eats slowly and taste your food.

Eat Your Vegetables First

Eat Your Vegetables First

Eat Your Vegetables First


Vegetables have let calories while they contain lots of bulk and fiber. You will eat less fight and high calorie food by eating the vegetables first.

Don’t skip your meals

Don't skip your meals

Don't skip your meals


Skipping meals will harm you instead of providing benefit according to a common perception. Your body will start building fat for future preservation of energy by thinking it to be a starvation condition. Along with that, you will eat more in the next meal due to feeling of hungrier. Eating 3 small meals and taking 2 or 3 snacks is the best strategy.

Drink sufficient water

Drink sufficient water

Drink sufficient water


Water also helps you to get weight lose throughout the day while it also helps you for healthy skin while your cardiac and digestive systems will also get improve.

Go over to Healthy Refreshments

Go over to Healthy Refreshments

Go over to Healthy Refreshments


Change in the habit of snacks with healthier substitute also improves weight loss techniques. Few good examples are whole grain crackers, peanut butter, low fat string cheese and fruits. You will feel full for longer period by using apple slices with peanut butter due to presence of carbohydrates and protein.

Exercise as Often as You Can

Exercise as Often as You Can

Exercise as Often as You Can


It is necessary to perform physical activity to lose weight. It’s not possible to lose weight without burning more calories than those you are getting. It is not possible for you to lose weight if you can’t get even 20 minutes for a walk or bike. Reducing weight without exertion will make it more difficult and time consuming.

Maintain a Record

Maintain a Record

Maintain a Record


You should note everyday what you are eating and how much you are exercising as it will help you to know that how much calories are you burning every day as compared to the calories you are taking through diet.

Getting rid of one or two pound a day is good as healthy and balanced weight loss will not occur immediately.

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