The compatibility of Sagittarian and Aquarian looks natural because both of them share interests. Both of them are crazy for adventure, excitement and they are also sociable. Both Sagittarian and Aquarian have good mood and habits which can be accepted easily and they are not driven by emotions. They enjoy with intellectual conversations. Both of them are independent and they want to remain free. There is no difference in their temperament which is worth mention which will create big obstacle in the compatibility of this relationship.
Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman
Both Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man search and demand love and gaiety in each other. Both of them like freedom resulting into attract each other. She does not like to cling with him which he likes very much. Both of them are very passionate but there is lack of dependence on each other. They love each other but do not feed need for reliance on each other. He loves his life and feet great passion for her which fulfills her life with fun.
Compatibility of Aquarius Woman and Sagittarius Man
The love match between Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman will always full of happiness. Their understanding is very perfect. They have the ability to fulfill the demands of each other. She has the intellectual mind and attracts others and his counterpart always helps her in fulfilling her creativity. Their compatibility is strong enough and continues for life. They love various things in their lives. Their conversation will also be very intellectual.